Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Okay, I know I can pretty averse to pseudo-inspirational things most times, but once I get started on something in that vein I can wax lyrical about the cheesiest, most roll-eyes-worthy of things. And uhh.. I think this is one of those times. So, reader consider yourself warned.

I'd like to think that there's no 'good' or 'bad' feelings. I mean, usually by 'good' feelings you kinda think of happy, hopeful, excited, etcetc right. And bad you usually think of anger, shame, sadness, etcetc. All of them are part and parcel of the human experience and should be embraced. So the past few days have been fucking shit for me and I guess I just wanted to remind myself that like all feelings, nice or not so, they will pass. The bad will pass. (Just like the good will, too) You just have to hang in there and kinda wait it out. The more you try to suppress it, the worse it will get eventually.

PS. Although if there's anyone out there who's feeling consistently bad over a long period of time, it may be due to something else and it may be wise to seek help. <3

For anyone who feels like things went wrong and can't be fixed:

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