Monday, February 14, 2011

So I was waiting for the bus the other day, and it hit me that sometimes I can be very.. *gasp* socially awkward. At times. NOT ALL THE TIME. (lol, I did not just attempt to brainwash anyone) In an attempt to comfort myself I thought of how kids interact, or at least what I think of how they do. I was goofing around with the youngest sister and her friends during their last hols and it was pretty therapeutic, seriously. Hennyways. I've since decided: why should I care about whether or not I'm good with social conventions or small talk with people that I'm not really interested in or whatever. Because these are nothing but social constructs anyway. So.. from now on if I do some 'awkward' thing like stand off to a side while a group of people I know are talking, forget my p's and q's, or maybe eat with my hands, just know that it's my way of taking a stand against the constraints placed on us by society. Huzzah for the individual!

Btw, I won a book at the Darwin Day event! AWWWWSHUM.

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